Thursday, 19 April 2012

Bill and Eric

Richard Padbury (@ardpad) submits this as for pointless gates.

While I could also add ex-Ipswich, Sunderland and England Goblin King striking supremo Eric.


Rambling Chap submits this picture of what he calls a Lilliputgate.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Banking gates

Goliath Abel from NCVO's Brolly Statistics Pornography Department suggests the HSBC Gates on the Millennium Bridge as being pointless.

Is it still pointless if it's beautiful?

So asks The Black Swan in Brandesburton, Yorkshire @blackswanyorks (cracking pub, never been there of course, other Yorkshire alehouses I've never visited but am willing to endorse in hope of a free pint should I ever be there are available).

Calm down, calm down, it's only a pointless gate

2 submissions from Liverpool from Chewie Vetinari @cs192

Bordering on the ridiculous

@votingfloateruk says this has got to qualify as a pointless gate.

Literate livestock

This contribution comes from Les Bright who says:

As you'll see from the attached photo the Third Sector has done good work in the west country, teaching livestock to read (they aren't yet able to write, although left alone for long enough they make a good fist of spraying grafitti!)

Pointless Gates

I spotted a gate today. It was totally pointless.

Now, I am not one to use metaphors to bring meaning to things like some sort of metaphor user bringing meaning to things.

But if I was...

A pointless gate could either be:

Something that promises exclusive access and influence but ultimately just stands there looking hopeless and hapless.


Something that promises security and support but ultimately just stands there looking hopeless and hapless.

So, send me your pictures of pointless gates and I will publish them here. or via Twitter to @robinbogg using #pointlessgates tag